
20 Unknown Facts about China !

China is the most populated country in the world with the population of 138.64 crores(2017). It is located on the continent of Asia. The official name of China is 'Peoples Republic of China (PRC). Beijing is the capital of China.It is multi-religion country. The Chinese people practice Catholicism, Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Protestantism. The country was established in 221 BC and was ruled by many powerful Chinese dynasties.  China is one of the few existing countries that also flourished economically and culturally in the earliest stages of world civilization. China has the world’s tallest mountain and the world’s highest and largest plateau. The official language of China is Standard Chinese besides many other languages are also spoken. Chinese flag features a complete red colored background with 5 Stars in the left hand upper corner. So let's get started with some of the interesting facts about China.

Interesting Facts About China.

Pork is a substantial piece of what the Chinese people eat. Indeed, the normal individual in China eats around 86 pounds of pork every year.Half of the world's pigs lives in China.

After Burj Khalifa China's Shanghai tower is the second largest building in World with 2073 feet tall.

In China about 100 million people make living on 1 US Dollar per day. Moreover they have very simple living.

In China the number of chopsticks used per year is 45 Billion. Rice and Noodles are consumed daily by an individual so the use of chopsticks is more.

There are many endangered animal species living in China. Among them are the Giant Pandas, the south Chinese Tiger and the Chinese Alligators.

In China every 30 seconds a child is born a with birth defects.

More than 30 Million Chinese people still live in caves and they love simple living arrangement.

Chinese army has the biggest number of soldiers in the world with more than 2 million people.

In China's Shanghai the books are sold by their weights. A fixed price is set for weights.

China uses one time zone, something that is not expected for a country that big.

The invention of toilet paper was made in China and only emperor was allowed to use it earlier.

Chinese people were the first to use gas and chemical weapons during the war.

The longest canal in the world Grand canal is located in China.

China accounts for a quarter if worlds manufacturing output.

China Mastered the art of factorial with calculator.

Crossbow was first invented and used in China. It was very destructive weapon used by ancient people.

Each year in China is represented by an animal. This is known as the Chinese Zodiac, and the animals rotate based on a 12-year cycle. 2018 is the year of the dog.

Paper money was first invented by China. It was invented during Tang Dynasty.

China has only one time zone as a result of which in West of China sun doesn't rise until 10 am.

China is the owner of all Pandas. Every single panda that lives on this world belongs to China.

80% of China's ground water has been contaminated due to air pollution and people still drink contaminated water.

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