
17 Interesting Facts About Germany - Facts of Nation

Germany Facts|Facts About Culture & Religion| Facts About Food & Germany People|

Germany is a beautiful country located in western and central Europe continent. The official name of this Nation is Federal Republic of Germany. The population of Germany is more than 8 crores. The capital and the largest city in Germany is Berlin with the population of 36 lakhs. The official language of this Nation is German language. The dominant Religion in Germany is Christianity with more than 60% of the population following this religion. The official currency of Germany is Euro. Germany is widely known for their rich cultural history. The official flag of Germany features horizontal stripes of Black, Red and Gold.

neuschwanstein castle, Germany

Facts About Germany

➤ Germans have one of the oldest history in the World. Research shows that the ancient humans were present in this land 600000 years ago.

➤ The Worlds first ancient weapon 'Javelin' was discovered in Schoningen, Germany that was 380000 years old.

➤ Germany is the Worlds third largest exporter of goods. Their export includes modern vehicles, machinery, electronic products, pharmaceuticals, rubber and plastic etc.

➤ Autobahn has the controlled access of highway system in Germany is it is third largest motorway in length. More than 65% of Autobahn do not have upper speed limit and it is mostly popular due to this reason around the World.

➤ One mind-boggling fact about Germany is that Prostitution is legal in Germany. There are more than 4 lakh sex workers in Germany.

➤ More than one third of the land in Germany is covered with dense forests.

national flag of germany

➤ There are more than 1500 varieties of Beer. Germany is one of the leading country in Beer consumption.

➤ In Germany you could see a beer served in McDonald's.

➤ There is no punishment for a prisoner if he/she escapes from the jail. The reason for this is its the basic instinct of human to be free.

➤ To run out of fuel on highways and stop the vehicle is punishable in Germany. You could be fined and even your license would be blocked for 6 months if found in this conditions.

➤ Hamburgers were invented in Germany and it got its name from Hamburg city.


➤ Football is the populous sports played in Germany and the Germany's International Football Team has won 4 times FIFA World cup.

➤ More than 80% of the transactions made by an individual in Germany are in cash.

➤ Germany has produced many World famous people including Johann Bach, Albert Einstein and Ladwing van Beethoven.

➤ Germans were the first in the world to invent many things including light bulb, automobiles, calculator, etc.

➤ Smoking in public places is illegal in Germany but you can have alcohol in public places.

➤ Germany has one of the largest number of zoo's in the World. There are more than 400 Zoo's in Germany.

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