
22 Interesting Facts About France - Facts of Nation

Amazing Facts About France

France is the country located in Western Europe continent. The official name of this Nation is French Republic. The population of France is about 7 crores. The capital and the largest city in France is Paris with the population of 22 lakh people. The official and the national language of this nation is French. More than half of the country's population follows Christian religion and it is the dominant religion in France, Besides Judaism is also observed. The official currency used is Euro. The national flag of France features 3 vertical stripes of blue, white and red colour.

gay, homosexuality

Unknown Facts about France

➤ France is the first country to adopt the international unit system. Such as kilometers, liters, kilograms, etc.

➤ Every city in France has a market called 'Victor Hugo'.

➤ It is illegal to name the name of a pig in Napoleon in France.

About 4700 varieties of cottage cheese is made in France.

➤ Parents who raise their children well, they are given a prize in France.

➤ France is the first country in the world to have given legal recognition to homosexuality.

➤ The French people eat snakes, frog legs and horse meat with a big conspiracy.

national flag of france

➤ It is considered unlawful to click a photo of policemen, or their cars in France.

➤ Kissing in railway station in France is illegal.

➤ About 7.5 million tourists visit every year in France, which is more than any other tourist visited countries in the world.

➤ France's Louvre Museum is the world's largest tourist attraction spot.

➤ According to the Durex Global Sex Study conducted in 2003, French people in the world have sex most often in a year.

➤ The concept of number plates for Vehicles were first used in France.

➤ One in five people in France is a victim of depression, in this way it is one of the most sad countries in the world.

➤ In France, Condom vending machine is installed in 96 percent high school to reduce the increasing number of AIDS.

eiffel tower, paris, france

➤ France hosted the 1998 FIFA World Cup. Not only this, this country has won it too.

➤ All people in France often ask each other for their well-being. With this, their behavior towards others is considered decent.

➤ French Mathematician Christian Kramp invented Factorial Calculation notation 'n!'

➤ The first digital watch, hot air balloon, parachute and mock butter were invented in France.

➤ Nearly 1.3 million soldiers and civilians were killed in the First World War. Millions of people were seriously injured and thousands of missing.

➤ The beginning of April Fool's Day was also started in France.

➤ France is the fourth largest country in world to manufacture atomic and nuclear weapons. In the 1960's, the first A-bomb was tested in the French Algerian Sahara.

➤ France has found an Internet type of its own, which was named Mintell Telemetics System in 1980, which made France the world leader in Howell Telemetics.

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